Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 Reunion Memories - what are yours?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 04/25/2007 : 06:48:00
I am counting the days. I missed many of the reunions and am so excited about coming to this one. My favorite memory is, after about 30 years, seeing my best two high school friends, Joe Cover and Terry Clowers, and it feeling like the years had not passed. We were totally comfortable together and resumed hanging out like the 30 years had never passed. I also had the chance to eat with several old friends last year and the experiences were wonderful! It is also interesting to see how people have changed. Shy ones (like I was) are typically no longer shy. Sometimes, you have to look into the eyes to recognize someone you haven't seen for many years, but once you do that and see the smile, you know them. Or, you may hear that familiar laugh (Carolyn Johnson ) and turn to find the person. Seeing people's children or grandchildren who look just like them is fun. Hearing old and new stories is enjoyable.

I look forward to seeing Joe and Terry again, as well as many of my other friends and new friends I have met on the board. If you have reunion memories, please share them.

I'll see you in only 69 days. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ML2006 Posted - 04/25/2007 : 23:42:26
I will never forget the first all school reunion. I did not plan to attend but my sister Karen and I decided to go down. We never left until it was over. We would go to our houses at night and then right back the next day to the reunion. The most amazing thing happened there. Everyone was so thrilled to see each other. The searching looks in everyone's eyes and on their faces as they scanned the crowds looking for a familiar person touched my heart. The aura of affection and happiness was overwhelming. I was truly amazed. I can't remember if it was the first all school or the second but I remember when I saw Andy Bragg, Jeanetta Robinson and Carolyn Bridges! For those of you who have never gone but are going, you are in for an incredible experience. Hope all your friends and classmates show up. I probably will not be there but look forward to photos from Andy P and Dale on here when it is over. My class of '65.

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