Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 Where did the state champs picture go?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gridironmike Posted - 09/21/2014 : 21:49:59
Does anyone know what happened to the huge picture of the state championship football team that was on the left wall as you entered the gym? It's not on display in the new school. The trophy is in a display case but that photo is gone. I'd like to locate it.

RJHS '84
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gridironmike Posted - 09/22/2014 : 08:13:11
Well nevermind. I'm told the photo was hung in time for the most recent reunion. Glad to know it wasn't lost in the shuffle!

RJHS '84

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