Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vagenealogist Posted - 10/03/2007 : 16:34:38
My father Gery Smith was born & raised in Rainelle, actually born 6/25/1945 at the East Rainelle Hospital, well that is at least what his birth certificate reads. His parents were Willard "AL" Smith and Ethel Maude nee Jones, he has several brothers Ronald (class of 59), Randal Lee (both older), Terry,Jimmy and sister Donna. They left Rainelle & Wva in the early 1960s.

I am researching my West Virginia families, especially those in Rainelle, Craig & Dennis. My surnames are Smith, Fleshman, Osborne, Brown, Jones(Rupert/HominyFalls). If there is anyone out there who knows about these families or we are possibly related, I would love to hear from you. AND if you have any really juicy stories about my Daddy or his brothers, I would love to hear those too.

I spent very little time in Rainelle as a child but I love that little town. It has always been Daddy's dream (and mine too) to move back Home. It has always felt like Home to me too, I can just feel the history!
Thanks for sharing all of your stories about growing up in Rainelle. One of these days, I hope to record all of Daddy's.

Joanne Watson nee Smith
Daughter of Gery Smith
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 03/24/2008 : 22:24:55
Hello Joanne. Please give us any names you have. There are numerous families in the Rainelle area and who are on this discussion board who have or had the last names of Fleshman, Osborne, Brown, Jones(Rupert/HominyFalls). I'm sure we can match you up with some relatives and people who know some good stories from the past. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Connard Estep 53 Posted - 03/22/2008 : 16:58:27
Hello Joanne, what do you know about the Osborne side of your family ? How were they related to you ? what are some of thier names ?
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 10/04/2007 : 20:39:13
Welcome Joanne


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