Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 Snow in Greenbrier County

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Evelyn Utterback Drake 56 Posted - 12/19/2009 : 10:28:52
Please let us out-of-staters hear about your snowfall. It sounds like one of those from our childhood. Would love to see the snow.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/20/2009 : 20:58:03
Evelyn, We are having one of the largest snowfalls I have seen in a long time. The snow began to fall Friday around three PM..... The next morning snow was at least 24 inches or deeper .. The actual temperature was around thirties, a pleasant temperature for snowfall ...
I walked down our driveway with the snowfall being well above my knees.... It looks like World War three ... snow removeable was no ordinary task using large inloaders and other heavy equipment. Power outages, businesses were closed Saturday,(weekend before Christmas). my power was off more than thirty hours .
Yes! I do believe this is a childhood snowfall... the difference is we are taller, therefore the snow is deeper...


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