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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mary Jane Ingram Carr 61 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 18:46:12
Dale: The new Homepage is awesome!!!! Andy called and told me to play the music. Wow, what a treat!!! Hope everyone will do this and enjoy the best music ever. I am listening to Pat Boone and playing a game of bridge on Yahoo with Andy. Thanks for the enjoyment you have brought to so many Rainelle Rangers.

MJ Carr

MJ Carr
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ML2006 Posted - 02/27/2006 : 23:12:15
Chris: You DO NOT need to write a shorter post !!! Keep writing! Andy, as for the jet plane ticket, let's all put in
$2.00 each and we will make sure he gets to the reunion.
Chris Dawson 51 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 20:28:22
Another great feature that Dale has added to the site. Thanks Dale

I’m wondering out loud now. I suspect that not everyone has DSL,
cable, or some other high speed connection with a Pentium 4 or Apple
Mac with at least 512K ram and therefore cannot enjoy the
web as the rest of us do. Can anyone suggest options to our dialup
audience that maybe using older hardware. It would be great if they
could better enjoy Windows Media, Real, and I-tunes, including the
picture downloads, bridge, and some of the many other surfing features.

I-tunes 6.0, which has a very recent update, and on the “Radio” catagogy
50 – 60 pop stations and 78 – 80 pop stations.
I particular http://www.oldiesradionet.com in the 50 – 60 pop stations.

And one last item or request.
Can someone, anyone teach to write shorter post?

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