Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 "Gerald Mitchell" Class of '64

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 12/20/2009 : 21:14:00
Gerry was a dear friend of the Rainelle High School Class of '64 as well as other classes. Gerry was active in high school activities, including the band and several honor and social organizations. He loved Rainelle, West Virginia and was one of the creators and maintainers of the RainelleReunion.com Website. Gerry spent countless hours finding and editing photographs and articles, creating one of the best reunion Websites on the Internet, as well as what Gerry liked to call "An Online Museum of Rainelle Historical Photos and Articles." In honor of Gerry, the Website photo sections will continue, but never be on the scale they were when he was in charge. Gerry was a very giving person. Many friends have commented about how Gerry sought and sent articles that he thought might be meaningful to them. He will be missed

Andy and Dale on the Class's behalf

Gerry's obituary is here:

Our love and prayers are with Gerry's wife, Karen
and his mother, Wenona.


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