Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 05/15/2010 : 20:48:16
Thanks to the hard work and creativity of Charles Bobbitt, you can now view, download and or print PDF versions of the yearbooks. You can print the entire yearbook or you choose a page and print that page. To try it out, go to your year's page (e.g., 64) and click on the PDF version below the Kodak Gallery version. You can reduce the size of the PDF when you view it. Some of the files are quite large so it may take some time for them to download to your computer.

We owe Charles a big vote of thanks! Charles was born in Sewell Valley and is Shirley (Bobbitt) Blankenship, Dotsy (Bobbitt) Cox, and Tommy Bobbitt’s oldest nephew. Charles is a great guy. He did the work some time ago and I am just getting around to adding the PDF's and links to the Website. Charles did not want any acknowledgment of this work, but it is so good that it can't go unnoticed and unthanked. So -- thank you, Charles!

Dale Tincher - Class of 64

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