Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 2007 All School Reunion Meeting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 03/23/2006 : 16:51:14
The next planning meeting for the 2007 Reunion will be held Thursday, March 30, at 7:00pm in the elementary school cafeteria.
All contact people and interested RHS alumni are welcome and encouraged to attend. The return of 140 address cards and our new website will be 2 of the topics discussed.
To all our 'web friends'-We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Patty Osborne '67
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 09/22/2006 : 11:09:22
Posted - 09/22/2006 : 11:06:56

Hello Everyone!
Please check out our minutes from the August 21, 2006 meeting and an update from a 'working' meeting on September 18.
You will be hearing from us again soon!!!

PS These are not our minutes in datail-----we're really working harder!

Have a Great Day!

Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 09/19/2006 : 19:54:38
Hello Classmates,

There was a reunion meeting held Sept.18. however I was not able to attend the meeting due to my father being in the hospital{He is doing ok at this time}.

Well gang regretfully no pictures of the meeting will be posted.

I am sure Patty will have a report to you concerning the reunion meeting which I am sure is very positive...We have a great hard working board along with your contact person making a complete and successful upcoming 2007 reunion.

Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 09/17/2006 : 15:32:53
Our next contact person meeting will be held Monday night (Sept. i8) at the elementary cafeteria. The purpose of this meeting is to prepare our next letter for mailing. The printing is complete and envelopes and stamps have been purchased. The contact persons may also insert a letter to their individual classes, if desired. We will let you know when this next mailing is on the way!!!
Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 08/23/2006 : 22:17:43
Thank you Jessica....

jessica osborne 67 Posted - 08/23/2006 : 19:43:18

Sounds like a good idea to me. Hummm...Maroon on one side and gold on the other with the ranger emblem in reverse colors?
By the way, Andy, I truly loved your picture with the Hulkster!
I didn't realize he was so tall.

Originally posted by Andy Aide Pendleton 64

Good Morning Classmates,

Enclosed are a few pictures taken on August 21st all school reunion meeting....I am sure Patty will reply at a later time as to the planning stages of the reunion.......also the committee were still encouraging updates of classmates addresses for database....

In one of the pictures they were showing a throw that was sold by the Rupert Crimson Tide reunion.....Our committee asked the group if we would be interested in selling the throws during our reunion....They also asked if anyone had any suggestions as to what would be on the throw...It is our understanding that the town of Rainelle is doing one also....Therefore we would want to stay away from any of their pictures they would want to place on their throw....We all suggested, of course, the Leaf with the Ranger logo as the main picture....upon doing this project we must purchase at least 100 throws in the beginning.....I am not for sure but I believe the throws will be selling around $4o.oo each.........Your Comments on this project is most appreciated...



Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 08/23/2006 : 09:10:18
Good Morning Classmates,

Enclosed are a few pictures taken on August 21st all school reunion meeting....I am sure Patty will reply at a later time as to the planning stages of the reunion.......also the committee were still encouraging updates of classmates addresses for database....

In one of the pictures they were showing a throw that was sold by the Rupert Crimson Tide reunion.....Our committee asked the group if we would be interested in selling the throws during our reunion....They also asked if anyone had any suggestions as to what would be on the throw...It is our understanding that the town of Rainelle is doing one also....Therefore we would want to stay away from any of their pictures they would want to place on their throw....We all suggested, of course, the Leaf with the Ranger logo as the main picture....upon doing this project we must purchase at least 100 throws in the beginning.....I am not for sure but I believe the throws will be selling around $4o.oo each.........Your Comments on this project is most appreciated...


Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 08/21/2006 : 23:12:54
Quick update just to let you all know that 37 people attended the meeting tonight. I will be posting more information soon!!!

Please don't forget to acknowledge your class contact persons for the time and effort they put in for the benefit of your reunion!

Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 08/16/2006 : 23:31:26
Attention: All class Contact Persons, Helpers and Interested parties!

Meeting: Monday night, August 21-7:00pm-Elementary School
Rainelle Elementary School Cafeteria

Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Our next letter to the alumni has been drafted and needs ro be reviewed. Class address sheets will once again be handed out and revisions, if any, need to be made before this next mailing. Your executive committee has been meeting during the summer and we have several updates to share since our last meeting.
Your participation is the only thing that will guarantee the success of the reunion for your class!
Hope to see a full house Monday night!

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 04/03/2006 : 18:47:21
Originally posted by Patty Cox Osborne 67

Short update...more to follow!
The All-School Reunion Meeting was held Thursday in the elementary cafeteria. In addition to the Thursday night minutes we will be posting the minutes of October 27, 2005 and November 14, 2005.
Keep in mind, our meetings are not formal but we are having fun!!!


Thanks to Ernie Backus scanning the typed minutes, the October 27, 2005 and November 14, 2005 minutes are placed http://www.rainellereunion.com/reunion-committee.html Three of the pages are scanned images of the documents. If someone wishes to volunteer to retype or scan (as images) the 3 pages (November page 1 and both October pages) and send them to me in an e-mail or Word document or e.g., Wordpad, I will be happy to replace the pages as text, which will be more readable. (I would do it, but my time is very limited over the next couple of weeks.) Thank you, Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 04/01/2006 : 09:56:22
Short update...more to follow!
The All-School Reunion Meeting was held Thursday in the elementary cafeteria. In addition to the Thursday night minutes we will be posting the minutes of October 27, 2005 and November 14, 2005.
Keep in mind, our meetings are not formal but we are having fun!!!

Dale Tincher 64 Posted - 03/26/2006 : 19:30:09
Originally posted by Patty Cox Osborne 67

Hi Jetti!!! Do you mean the pictures from this website??? If so, I'm sure it's OK if you had the option...right, Dale???


Patty and Jessica, in principle, a copyrighted photo is not to be used or sold without permission. However, it is often difficult to determine if some of the older works are protected by copyrights. As far as I know, the photos we have been posting are not copyrighted. If some copyrighted photos slip through, as long as you don't sell them, you are probably okay. Most are many years old and I would be surprised if any copyrights are in place and/or if anyone would object. I'm sure the photos post of classmates, etc., are fine to purchase. If not, I assume the poster would say so.

One of the beauties of using Photoworks and Kodakgallery is that it is very easy to purchase prints. I have purchased photos as gifts and placed them in collages, on mugs, had them framed, etc. Dale

Dale Tincher - Class of 64
Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 03/26/2006 : 17:01:31
Hi Again Chris,
I think we just have one contact person that is on the town council, but we never really know who is coming! Please keep in mind our meetings are very informal. We have a motto "We will have the best reunion we can but We Will Have Fun Doing It!" (or something like that!)

Hi Jetti!!! Do you mean the pictures from this website??? If so, I'm sure it's OK if you had the option...right, Dale???

jessica osborne 67 Posted - 03/26/2006 : 15:00:49
Hey! I liked those pictures so much I bought copies of them.
That OK isn't it?
Chris Dawson 51 Posted - 03/26/2006 : 13:33:56
Will any elected officials be attending the meeting?
Patty Cox Osborne 67 Posted - 03/26/2006 : 12:30:33
Hi Chris,
Yes, we plan to keep everyone updated on the meetings and would welcome anyone's suggestions and opinions. We really appreciate your enthusiasm and interest.
I don't know how many people have been following the Chessie Caboose topic, but maybe you should bring that up to Andy. She could certainly bring it up under new business. I just don't know how involved we, as a group, could be in that project.
Bye the way, I missed your posts while you were gone---things were way toooooooo quiet!!!


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