Rainelle Reunion Discussion
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 Picture of 59-60 class at last reunion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Harold Viers 60 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 11:40:28
Here are a few pictures that I took at our last class reunion in 2001. (tourist shots only) Most were taken on the front lawn at High School. A couple of the people from the class of 59 showed up also. In one picture of Gene Wiseman setting at a table you can see Billy Hughes setting across from him and in the background of another picture of Gene you can see Sandy Miller in white walking towards their table. Some of the people in the background I don't know but some of you will.

Click or paste the link to take a look:


Enjoy.....Harold Viers....60

Gooooooooo Rangeeeeeeeeerssssss
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Andy Aide Pendleton 64 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 13:01:35
Yes, Harold the pictures are great....I do recognize several classmates.....

Most of the pictures looks like it was during the pig roast,,,which I was unable to attend due to our golf Rainelle reunion tournament,, I think the 2007 golf tournament will be held on Thursday..We are in the planning stage for that one...

I do know one thing about your pictures,,,,It is full of smiles and laughter.....

So come on Rangers lets all plan to be there or be square....lol

Thank you Herald for posting your pictures...THE MEMORIES ARE AWESOME

Harold Viers 60 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 12:44:10
There has been times when I have been in a discussion with someone about the good old days and I would have to stop talking. I was starting to sound like my parents and that was scary.
Chris Dawson 51 Posted - 02/26/2006 : 11:55:53
Harold: Some really nice pics Thanks for posting them and allowing us to enjoy the memories.

You know, one question I’ve just got to ask,
How come all the pictures look like my (our) parents and not the 16, 17, 18, year old high school class mates I remember?

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